Foundation FSSC Awarded ISO/IEC 27001 Certification

Foundation FSSC has achieved ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification for its Information Security Management System (ISMS) to help realize the FSSC commitment to trust, integrity, transparency, and engagement for the consumer goods industry and related supply chain.

FSSC accomplished the first steps to certification in 2023 by conducting a gap assessment and defining the necessary ISO/IEC 27001 policies. The organization worked with Information Security specialists to improve our security procedures and completed an internal audit by an independent auditor at the end of 2023. In July 2024, FSSC was successfully awarded ISO/IEC 27001 certification after an extensive audit process completed by the Dutch Certification Body: Brand Compliance BV.

ISO/IEC 27001:2022 is an internationally recognized standard for managing Information Security developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO/IEC 27001 certification demonstrates the Foundation’s compliance with worldwide best practices for Information Security and a globally accepted level of security effectiveness in terms of the processes, policies, and controls to protect the organization against security threats.

It also ensures that FSSC continuously improves its Security Practices, thereby safeguarding the information our partners entrust to the organization.

Foundation FSSC has worked hard over the last two years to achieve ISO/IEC 27001 certification, and we are very proud of this commitment to information integrity for the consumer goods industry. Maintaining and improving our security standards requires a collective effort from everybody within the Foundation and our partners. FSSC has and will continue to dedicate time and training with our team and encourage continuous improvement to information security to ensure our delivery of impact and trust through the value supply chain.
Cornelie Glerum, FSSC Chief Operating Officer

Anyone wanting to know more about how FSSC protects information can consult the FSSC security statement or privacy statement on our website.

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FSSC Insights Day | Brazil 2024

Pela primeira vez no Brasil, a Foundation FSSC promove o evento FSSC Insights Day, convidando a todos para um dia de muita troca de conhecimentos, experiências e conexões! Através do tema “Construindo Confiança e Sustentabilidade na Indústria de Bens de Consumo”, nos conectaremos com especialistas e aprofundaremos nosso conhecimento dos Esquemas FSSC 22000 e FSSC 24000. Desde 2009, a Foundation FSSC lidera a certificação na indústria de bens de consumo, promovendo confiança e impacto global. Procuramos criar um mundo melhor apoiando as organizações na implementação de sistemas de gestão alinhados com a ISO, apoiados por um programa de integridade robusto e uma plataforma de garantia avançada.     For the first time in Brazil, Foundation FSSC brings you the FSSC Insights Day event; inviting everyone to a great day of exchange in knowledge, experiences, and connections! Through the theme “Building Trust and Sustainability in the Consumer Goods Industry”, we will connect with experts and deepen our knowledge of the FSSC 22000 and FSSC 24000 Schemes. Since 2009, Foundation FSSC has led certification in the consumer goods industry, promoting trust and global impact. We seek to create a better world by supporting organizations implementing ISO-aligned management systems backed by a robust integrity program and an advanced assurance platform. Spaces are limited! Reserve your place now and be among the pioneers to participate in this event that promises to transform the consumer goods industry.