FSSC 22000 Quality audits no longer possible

Previously, in Version 5.1 of the Scheme, the Foundation offered FSSC 22000 – Quality, which allowed organizations to integrate food quality management into the scope of their FSSC 22000 certification. This included a full ISO 9001:2015 audit being added to the existing FSSC 22000 Scheme.

With the commencement of Version 6, a decision was taken to discontinue the FSSC 22000-Quality Program, and as a result the Foundation defined the FSSC 22000-Quality transition plan within the Version 6 Upgrade Process document.

This included that from the 1st of April 2024 no further FSSC 22000-Quality audits can be delivered; and following the 2024 regular audit, the FSSC 22000-Quality certificate will be replaced with an FSSC 22000 certificate with the same cycle and expiry date as the previous FSSC-Quality certificate. For further information on the FSSC 22000-Quality transition plan, please refer to the V6 Upgrade Process document which is freely available for download on our website.

In Version 6 of the Scheme, Quality control requirements have been added under Part 2, Section 2.5.9, however, it is also important to note, that whilst the Foundation has included the requirement for a quality policy with objectives, it is not designed to replace a full ISO 9001 quality management system certification but rather to focus on the synergies and add value to the FSSC 22000 audit.

Certified organizations can still look to undertake an integrated FSSC 22000 and ISO 9001 certification, however, this would result in two separate certifications. The requirements as per the Scheme V6, Part 3, Section 4.3 (e) apply.