FSSC Insights Webinar | FSSC 24000

This event has passed.

This event has already been held. We're very thankful for the reception and participation of those who attended. If you could not join us on the day, we still have some information that might interest you. On this page, besides the main details of the event, you can also find recordings, documents, notes, and Q&As. Feel free to browse these documents, share them, save them, or download them for later. On the right side of the screen, you'll find all links and documents related to the event. Underneath the article, you can find any related Q&As.

In 2022, Foundation FSSC introduced a new series of free public webinars – the “FSSC INSIGHTS.” Join us again in 2023 as we present even more industry-relevant topics to create understanding and awareness around the FSSC Schemes and make an impact within the consumer goods industry.

Our third event for 2023 will be held on 12 September and will be an in-depth look at Foundation FSSCs’ newest Scheme – FSSC 24000: Scheme for Social Management Systems. Our host for this webinar is FSSC Marketing & Communications Director Atie van Olst.

Joining Atie to cover social sustainability in the consumer goods industry will be:

  • FSSC Technical Director, Elsabe Matthee
  • FSSC Technical Manager Social Sustainability, Ante Batinic
  • Strategic Advisor FSSC 24000, Francisco Esteve

Target Audience 

This webinar is for companies interested in social sustainability and how the concept focuses on the need to “put people first” in business development processes, particularly those operating in areas where social issues are a higher risk. What is the future of social sustainability, and how will it affect your organization?

FSSC 24000 Scheme is of particular value to the following people:

  • Supply Chain Managers related to Sourcing (including Responsible Sourcing, Sustainable Sourcing, etc.)
  • HR Managers, in particular, those engaging specifically with Employee Relations
  • Compliance Managers and Compliance Team members
  • Legal Managers and staff who work closely with social relations or labor law
  • Human Right Champions
  • Sustainability Champions

Of course, we also extend this invitation to CEOs and Board Members who can use FSSC 24000 Scheme certification to contribute to the long-term social sustainability of their company or organization.

There will also be time allocated for the Q&A session at the end to cover anything FSSC-related.

This webinar will be held on Tuesday, 12 September, with only one session at 1 pm CEST. The session will run for 1 hour.

The recording will be emailed automatically to all registered participants.